Coup d’état or hard decision in the Ecuadorian Government

Richard Eduardo Salvatierra
3 min readMay 19, 2023


Yesterday was a sui géneris day for the Ecuadorian Government. Guillermo Lasso, former Presidente since may 2021, decided activate an article which has the power to disolved the Parliment and call for anticipate elections in the next six month.

In Ecuador there aren’t previous scenarios about this figure in that reason has been applied in Ecuador for first time, It’s a little hilarious ’cause this mecanism was included in the 2008 Constitution — which was promulgated during the term of former President Rafael Correa — and protected by the Organic Law of the Legislative Function from Ecuador.

The procedure has many steps that could be resume as follows:

  1. After Lasso’s announcement, the National Electoral Council (CNE, for your stands in Spanish) has up to seven days to call elections.
  2. In those scenario new presidential and legislative elections must be held within a maximum period of 90 days after being called. Lasso could be stand as a candidate without restrictions.
  3. The CNE must officially proclaim the results of the elections within a maximum period of seven days after the vote.
  4. If no presidential candidacy achieved an absolute majority of valid votes cast, a second round will be called to be held within 45 days of the proclamation of results.
  5. After the votes, the CNE will have a maximum period of seven days to announce the electoral results.
  6. The inauguration of the winners must occur within the following 15 days from the proclamation of the results.
  7. The new authorities will occupy their positions only until 2025, when the current constitutional period (2021–2025) ends and new elections must be called.
  8. The “cross death” mechanism may not be invoked again for the remainder of the constitutional period.

In reference to this convulse situation in Ecuador, what’re the real objective to take this unbelievable situation. Guillermo Lasso has been a President attacked for your past as Banker Owner and many critics in your government argued that your style It was so laxe and insuficient to create a bond that help to make big changes in the ecuadorian poltilics.

It’s so easy to express opinions without take the pressure from many stake holders interested in get benefits from policy makers; Lasso has a great team specialised on theorical aspects to improve freemarkets policies, but sometimes the real politik has more power than the ideas.

The military was deployed in the National Assembly after Lasso’s announcement. By GETTY IMAGES

Sometimes the crossroads are the best way to refresh our values. Lasso decided resign to the power and create a breakpoint in the ecuadorian politics. As well as, it is important to highlight the accusations that weighed against him in the cases that led him to appear on his first day of Impeachment.

It is unpredictable, trying to determine what will happen in the next 90 days within Ecuador, but there is something that is very true, indirectly, it is a coup on the political table in Ecuador.

Lasso has the lowest popularity index additionally Ecuador in the recents year has been a highly conflict country with traffics drugs cartels in the society, as well as, considerable problems in labor market and many other social areas. The indigenous population and your leaders has a prominent political power and could use it to further complicate the current situation in the country.

In recent months, Ecuador has been rocked by protests and massive strikes. By REUTERS

